位置:首页 > > Ant构建文件



在本练习中,创建一个名为build.xml 在电脑的任何地方的文件。

<?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="Hello World Project" default="info"> <target name="info"> <echo>Hello World - Welcome to Apache Ant!</echo> </target> </project>

请注意,应该有XML声明之前没有空行或空格。该处理指令目标匹配"[xX][mM][lL]" 是不允许的 - 如果你这样做,这可能在运行Ant构建时造成的错误消息。



属性 描述
name The Name of the project. (Optional)
default The default target for the build script. A project may contain any number of targets. This attribute specifies which target should be considered as the default. (Mandatory)
basedir The base directory (or) the root folder for the project. (Optional)



<target name="deploy" depends="pacakge"> .... </target> <target name="pacakge" depends="clean,compile"> .... </target> <target name="clean" > .... </target> <target name="compile" > .... </target>


属性 描述
name The name of the target (Required)
depends Comma separated list of all targets that this target depends on. (Optional)
description A short description of the target. (optional)
if Allows the execution of a target based on the trueness of a conditional attribute. (optional)
unless Adds the target to the dependency list of the specified Extension Point. An Extension Point is similar to a target, but it does not have any tasks. (Optional)

在上面的例子中的echo 任务是打印一条消息一个简单的任务。在我们的例子,它打印出Hello World消息。

要运行Ant构建文件,打开命令提示符并导航到build.xml文件所在的文件夹,然后输入ant info。也可以只输入ant来代替。既会工作,因为信息是默认的目标在构建文件。应该看到下面的输出:

 C:>ant Buildfile: C:uild.xml

info: [echo] Hello World - Welcome to Apache Ant! BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 0 seconds
